Fortunatetly for me, although unmonitarily, I like to steer clear of the nonsensical. I have been waaaay over all the unnecessary beefing for no good reasons.
It is a known fact that majority of the public is incompetent in politics and government.
Even the ones who act as government officials and in brotherhoods are incompetent of separation of power, to various degrees.
Anyone who believes in and argues democratic vs. republican parties are mentally and spiritually immature, because they are ill-equipped to reach the source of issues (The reality of facts). Politics were designed for that purpose. Both republican and democratic parties have monetary interest in the federal monetary system, and gain off of people's pain of whom they portray to serve. It should've been obvious long ago. Political business ethics were never meant to govern over the people's morality... until the people GAVE THEM that power/responsibility to act on their behalf.
One of the things that people can be certain of is that the public will not be satisfied with the outcome that they themselves agreed upon and voted
#Wash, rinse, repeat cycle
Even sadder is that people will take the words of the ones playing them, and support them over people like me who speak truth to power. I am learning that lesson, so I now participate how and when I see fit.
Words from my wise... When you know your responsibility to yourself, your family, and community...then you will properly see the nouns that are keeping you down.
#Out of reach and out of touch with reality
#himentionally speaking
The Gold Eagle of the Northern Hemisphere